Package-level declarations


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Allows consumers to configure and register (with DriverManager) their custom drivers prior to running migration verification task.

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abstract class GenerateMigrationOutputTask : SqlDelightWorkerTask
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abstract class GenerateSchemaTask : SqlDelightWorkerTask
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data class SqlDelightCompilationUnitImpl(val name: String, val sourceFolders: List<SqlDelightSourceFolderImpl>, val outputDirectoryFile: File) : SqlDelightCompilationUnit
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abstract class SqlDelightDatabase @Inject constructor(val project: Project, val name: String)
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data class SqlDelightDatabaseNameImpl(val packageName: String, val className: String) : SqlDelightDatabaseName
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data class SqlDelightDatabasePropertiesImpl(val packageName: String, val compilationUnits: List<SqlDelightCompilationUnitImpl>, val className: String, val dependencies: List<SqlDelightDatabaseNameImpl>, val deriveSchemaFromMigrations: Boolean = false, val treatNullAsUnknownForEquality: Boolean = false, val generateAsync: Boolean = false, val rootDirectory: File) : SqlDelightDatabaseProperties
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annotation class SqlDelightDsl
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abstract class SqlDelightPlugin : Plugin<Project>
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data class SqlDelightPropertiesFileImpl(val databases: List<SqlDelightDatabasePropertiesImpl>, val dialectJars: Collection<File>, val minimumSupportedVersion: String, val currentVersion: String) : SqlDelightPropertiesFile
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data class SqlDelightSourceFolderImpl(val folder: File, val dependency: Boolean = false) : SqlDelightSourceFolder
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abstract class SqlDelightTask : SqlDelightWorkerTask
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abstract class SqlDelightWorkerTask : SourceTask

Common API for interacting with gradle workers in tasks

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abstract class VerifyMigrationTask : SqlDelightWorkerTask