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Multiplatform setup with the Web Worker Driver

First apply the gradle plugin in your project. Make sure to set generateAsync to true when creating your database.

plugins {
  id("") version "2.0.2"

repositories {

sqldelight {
  databases {
    create("Database") {
plugins {
  id "" version "2.0.2"

repositories {

sqldelight {
  databases {
    Database { // This will be the name of the generated database class.
      packageName = "com.example"
      generateAsync = true

Defining the Schema

Write your SQL statements in a .sq file under src/main/sqldelight. Typically the first statement in the .sq file creates a table, but you can also create indexes or set up default content.

CREATE TABLE hockeyPlayer (
  full_name TEXT NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX hockeyPlayer_full_name ON hockeyPlayer(full_name);

INSERT INTO hockeyPlayer (player_number, full_name)
VALUES (15, 'Ryan Getzlaf');

From these statements, SQLDelight will generate a Database class with an associated Schema object that can be used to create your database and execute statements on it. The Database class is generated by the generateSqlDelightInterface Gradle task which is run automatically by the SQLDelight IDE plugin when you edit a .sq file, and also as part of a normal Gradle build.

kotlin {
  // The drivers needed will change depending on what platforms you target:

  sourceSets.androidMain.dependencies {
    implementation ""

  // or sourceSets.iosMain, sourceSets.windowsMain, etc.
  sourceSets.nativeMain.dependencies {
    implementation ""

  sourceSets.jvmMain.dependencies {
    implementation ""

  sourceSets.jsMain.dependencies {
    implementation ""
    implementation npm("sql.js", "1.6.2")
    implementation devNpm("copy-webpack-plugin", "9.1.0")

Creating Drivers

First set up a way to create a driver in your common code. This can be done using expect/actual, or simply with a common interface a platform-specific implementations of the interface.

expect suspend fun provideDbDriver(
  schema: SqlSchema<QueryResult.AsyncValue<Unit>>
): SqlDriver
The SqlSchema interface contains a generic QueryResult type argument which is used to differentiate schema code that is generated with the generateAsync configuration option set to true. Some drivers rely on synchronous behaviours when creating or migrating the schema, so to use an asynchronous schema you can use the synchronous() extension method to adapt it for use with synchronous drivers.

actual suspend fun provideDbDriver(
  schema: SqlSchema<QueryResult.AsyncValue<Unit>>
): SqlDriver {
  return WebWorkerDriver(
      js("""new URL("@cashapp/sqldelight-sqljs-worker/sqljs.worker.js", import.meta.url)""")
  ).also { schema.create(it).await() }
actual suspend fun provideDbDriver(
  schema: SqlSchema<QueryResult.AsyncValue<Unit>>
): SqlDriver {
  return JdbcSqliteDriver(JdbcSqliteDriver.IN_MEMORY)
    .also { schema.create(it).await() }
actual suspend fun provideDbDriver(
  schema: SqlSchema<QueryResult.AsyncValue<Unit>>
): SqlDriver {
  return AndroidSqliteDriver(schema.synchronous(), context, "test.db")
actual suspend fun provideDbDriver(
  schema: SqlSchema<QueryResult.AsyncValue<Unit>>
): SqlDriver {
  return NativeSqliteDriver(schema.synchronous(), "test.db")