Package-level declarations


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interface DialectType
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interface ExposableType : SqlAnnotatedElement
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data class IntermediateType(val dialectType: DialectType, val javaType: TypeName = dialectType.javaType, val column: SqlColumnDef? = null, val name: String = "value", val bindArg: SqlBindExpr? = null, val assumedCompatibleTypes: List<IntermediateType> = emptyList(), val simplified: Boolean = false)

Internal representation for a column type, which has dialect data affinity as well as JVM class type.

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class PragmaWithResults(pragmaStmt: SqlPragmaStmt) : QueryWithResults
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Types which are retrieved the same way for all dialects.

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class ReturningQueryable(var statement: SqlAnnotatedElement, val select: QueryElement, tableName: SqlTableName?) : QueryWithResults

Query deriving from the RETURNING clause of an expression.

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data class RuntimeTypes(val cursorType: ClassName, val preparedStatementType: ClassName)

Types that can be specified by each dialect for different driver components

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class SelectQueryable(val select: SqlCompoundSelectStmt, var statement: SqlAnnotatedElement = select) : QueryWithResults
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class SqlDelightPragmaName(node: ASTNode?) : SqlPragmaNameImpl, QueryElement
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interface TypeResolver


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fun SqlAlterTableRules.alteredTable(file: SqlFileBase): SqlCreateTableStmt
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fun TypeResolver.encapsulatingType(exprList: List<SqlExpr>, vararg typeOrder: DialectType): IntermediateType
fun TypeResolver.encapsulatingType(exprList: List<SqlExpr>, nullability: (List<Boolean>) -> Boolean?, vararg typeOrder: DialectType, preferKotlinType: Boolean = false): IntermediateType
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fun TypeResolver.encapsulatingTypePreferringKotlin(exprList: List<SqlExpr>, vararg typeOrder: DialectType, nullability: (List<Boolean>) -> Boolean? = null): IntermediateType