
Represents a SQL statement that has been prepared by a driver to be executed.

This type is not thread safe unless otherwise specified by the driver emitting these.

Prepared statements should not be cached by client code. Drivers can implement caching by using the integer identifier passed to SqlDriver.execute or SqlDriver.executeQuery. Client code can pass the same identifier to that method to request that the prepared statement is cached.



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abstract fun bindBoolean(index: Int, boolean: Boolean?)

Bind boolean to the underlying statement at index.

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abstract fun bindBytes(index: Int, bytes: ByteArray?)

Bind bytes to the underlying statement at index.

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abstract fun bindDouble(index: Int, double: Double?)

Bind double to the underlying statement at index.

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abstract fun bindLong(index: Int, long: Long?)

Bind long to the underlying statement at index.

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abstract fun bindString(index: Int, string: String?)

Bind string to the underlying statement at index.