
interface TypeResolver


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abstract fun argumentType(parent: PsiElement, argument: SqlExpr): IntermediateType

In the context of parent, @return the type argument (which is a child expression) should have.

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abstract fun definitionType(typeName: SqlTypeName): IntermediateType
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fun TypeResolver.encapsulatingType(exprList: List<SqlExpr>, vararg typeOrder: DialectType): IntermediateType
fun TypeResolver.encapsulatingType(exprList: List<SqlExpr>, nullability: (List<Boolean>) -> Boolean?, vararg typeOrder: DialectType, preferKotlinType: Boolean = false): IntermediateType
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fun TypeResolver.encapsulatingTypePreferringKotlin(exprList: List<SqlExpr>, vararg typeOrder: DialectType, nullability: (List<Boolean>) -> Boolean? = null): IntermediateType
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abstract fun functionType(functionExpr: SqlFunctionExpr): IntermediateType?

Resolves the type of dialect specific functions

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abstract fun queryWithResults(sqlStmt: SqlStmt): QueryWithResults?
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abstract fun resolvedType(expr: SqlExpr): IntermediateType
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open fun simplifyType(intermediateType: IntermediateType): IntermediateType

Enables a dialect to simplify a pure SQLDelight Intermediate Type into something the dialect can deal with natively. (ie Integer AS Boolean in SQLite can be handled without an adapter).