
class SqlDelightEnvironment(properties: SqlDelightDatabaseProperties, compilationUnit: SqlDelightCompilationUnit, verifyMigrations: Boolean, var dialect: SqlDelightDialect, moduleName: String, sourceFolders: List<File> = compilationUnit.sourceFolders .filter { it.folder.exists() && !it.dependency } .map { it.folder }, dependencyFolders: List<File> = compilationUnit.sourceFolders .filter { it.folder.exists() && it.dependency } .map { it.folder }) : SqlCoreEnvironment, SqlDelightProjectService

Mocks an intellij environment for compiling sqldelight files without an instance of intellij running.


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constructor(properties: SqlDelightDatabaseProperties, compilationUnit: SqlDelightCompilationUnit, verifyMigrations: Boolean, dialect: SqlDelightDialect, moduleName: String, sourceFolders: List<File> = compilationUnit.sourceFolders .filter { it.folder.exists() && !it.dependency } .map { it.folder }, dependencyFolders: List<File> = compilationUnit.sourceFolders .filter { it.folder.exists() && it.dependency } .map { it.folder })


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sealed class CompilationStatus


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open override var dialect: SqlDelightDialect
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open override var generateAsync: Boolean
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val module: MockModule
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val project: @NotNull MockProject
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fun annotate(extraAnnotators: Collection<SqlCompilerAnnotator>, annotationHolder: SqlAnnotationHolder)
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open override fun clearIndex(): Nothing
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open override fun close()
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open override fun fileIndex(module: Module): SqlDelightFileIndex
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@JvmName(name = "forSqlFileBases")
fun forSourceFiles(action: (SqlFileBase) -> Unit)
open override fun <T : PsiFile> forSourceFiles(klass: KClass<T>, action: (T) -> Unit)
inline fun <T : PsiFile> forSourceFiles(noinline action: (T) -> Unit)
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Run the SQLDelight compiler and return the error or success status.

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open override fun module(vFile: VirtualFile): MockModule
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open override fun resetIndex(): Nothing
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open fun setDialect(dialect: SqlDelightDialect, shouldInvalidate: Boolean)