
Binds the parameter to preparedStatement by calling bindString, bindLong or similar. After binding, execute executes the query without a result, while executeQuery returns JdbcCursor.


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constructor(preparedStatement: PreparedStatement)


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fun bindBigDecimal(index: Int, decimal: BigDecimal?)
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open override fun bindBoolean(index: Int, boolean: Boolean?)
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fun bindByte(index: Int, byte: Byte?)
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open override fun bindBytes(index: Int, bytes: ByteArray?)
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fun bindDate(index: Int, date: Date?)
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open override fun bindDouble(index: Int, double: Double?)
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fun bindFloat(index: Int, float: Float?)
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fun bindInt(index: Int, int: Int?)
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open override fun bindLong(index: Int, long: Long?)
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fun bindObject(index: Int, obj: Any?)
fun bindObject(index: Int, obj: Any?, type: Int)
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fun bindShort(index: Int, short: Short?)
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open override fun bindString(index: Int, string: String?)
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fun bindTime(index: Int, date: Time?)
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fun bindTimestamp(index: Int, timestamp: Timestamp?)
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fun execute(): Long
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fun <R> executeQuery(mapper: (SqlCursor) -> R): R